When most people think of physiotherapy, they think of sporting injuries, sore backs, someone running out onto a sports field with an ice bucket etc. Well physiotherapy is much more diverse than that with many different areas of specialty, all striving towards improving quality of life. Here at Connect Neuro Physiotherapy we provide neurological physiotherapy, please click here for more information on what is neurological physiotherapy.

The most common and most thought of field of physiotherapy is referred to musculoskeletal physiotherapy, or known as MSK or sports physiotherapy. This referrers to any injury, pain or muscle imbalance in your muscle or skeletal structures. For example lower back pain, sprained ankle, repetitive strain injury on your wrist. Which all of these can happen to you if you have a neurological condition.

Connect Neuro Physiotherapy has made strong links with Physios Online which has become our preferred provider of online musculoskeletal physiotherapy. You may wonder how on earth can physiotherapy be provided online…..well using video conferencing and a structured assessment a diagnosis can be made and treatment provided. Although this treatment is not hands on, what it does include is a significant amount of education for you to fully understand your body and how you are best equipped to improve and maintain it. Rehabilitation exercise is the best long term approach to nearly all musculoskeletal problems. However as with Connect Neuro Physiotherapy if we feel you need to be treated hands on we will referrer you on to someone to provide hands on treatment if available.

Online physiotherapy is exactly what you need if you are living in a rural or remote area, or simply struggle to access your local services. If you have any concerns about a musculoskeletal problem that Connect Neuro Physiotherapy is not able to assist you with you will be referred onto Physios Online who will be able to assess and provide rehabilitation all from the comfort of your own home.

For more information on our preferred provider of online musculoskeletal physiotherapy please click on the link below.
