Well I have to say I am as proud as punch to announce that I have been awarded a Honorary Clinical Fellowship from the Australian Catholic University (ACU)…(que jumping around the lounge in excitement). As this is another step achieved on the upward climb of being the best neurological physiotherapist I can be.
This is a prestigious title, however you maybe thinking what does this mean. Well I have been involved with ACU guest lecturing on their Masters of Exercise Physiology program for last couple of years as well as being a clinical educator for student practical placements. I will continue to provide this to ACU but the exciting element is now with this official connection with ACU we will be going into partnership on some very exciting research trials / projects over next few years.
One of these projects is hoping to include a fairly large scale clinical trial on the intensive Multiple Sclerosis program called MS Get a Head Start which I co founded with Melissa McConaghy from the Advance Rehab Center. Keep an eye on our social media feeds and newsletter to be kept up to date with developments!