Why are they needed?
Neurological physiotherapy is a specialised area of physiotherapy and many people are unaware of the vast benefits available to them until they meet one. You may have been referred or recommended to see a neurological physiotherapist however you may find that there is none in your local area. Unfortunately there is a small pool of neurological physiotherapists who tend to be based near more major cities or a working in hospitals which can have restricted outpatient access.
This is why a satellite clinics are ideal for rural or country areas who may not have this specialised service available. If you have a diagnoses of a neurological condition it is essential that you see a neuro physio to fully optimise your quality of life. Everyone should have the opportunity to access this service.
Who are they for?
Anyone who has been diagnosed with a neurological condition. This is exactly what you need if you have a neurodegenerative condition, especially if you are relatively newly diagnosed. They are also ideal for regular reviews, you may have received rehabilitation in a hospital following a stroke or spinal cord injury but then not had much input since discharge. The rehabilitation world is advancing every year and it is important to have regular reviews to ensure you are not missing out on something that could dramatically improve your situation.
How would I benefit if I have a neurological condition?
In a 1 hour assessment you will be provided with vital education and advice to improve your current situation and your future. As a result of the assessment you will be supplied with a individual tailored exercise program that will include elements for neurological protection.
A one of session can make some dramatic impacts on your life. You will also be able to request an intensive program where you could receive 1 -2 hours or rehab a day for as many days as the clinic is running 2-5 days at a time. This more intensive approach will provide you with better results due to the quantity of rehab and information that can be supplied.
What is needed for a satellite clinic to run in my area?
All that is required for a satellite clinic to run is space in a clinic or private clinic room, an ideal setting is a normal physiotherapy practice or medical practice. Everything else is supplied and organised by Connect Neuro Physiotherapy.
If you are interested in hosting a specialised neurological satellite clinic then please contact us.