I have been providing online neurological physiotherapy consultations using video conferencing under Connect Neuro Physiotherapy for the past two years and I can confirm that we have cracked it regarding clients achieving outstanding results which have significantly enhanced their quality of life.
I will be honest it has been difficult changing my specialist hands on skills into something that can be delivered completely hands of over a live video screen. And it has taken some time to really feel 100% comfortable in delivering a world leading platform for change in the delivery of neurological physiotherapy services.
What has been well established in research that for neurological rehabilitation to have the most significant impact it needs to be delivered intensively and if you want to change peoples health behaviors especially for neurological protection this can not be achieved in 1 or 2 sessions. Taking this intensive approach on helped me develop the Connect Neuro Physiotherapy KICK Start programs delivering a 6 week intensive approach.
The other major change was moving away from the traditional hands on outcome measures and therapy and looking more into meaningful change with self assessment outcome measures, quantitative data collection and becoming much much more goal directed with the use of the Goal Attainment Scale and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure. This in turn enhanced the fact that the online delivery is much more inline with health coaching, behavior change, psychology and really emphasising the fact that increased knowledge increases an individuals empowerment.
I can stand tall and now say that online live video based neurological physiotherapy delivered intensively with supporting resources can significantly improve quality of life, achieve individuals goals and improve outcomes.
I will be sharing 4 client stories with you over the next few weeks who have all blown me away with their achievements, 4 very different cases achieving a range of outcomes working through their individualised KICK start program. These results demonstrate that given the opportunity to access specialised neurological physiotherapy services when hands on services are not available individuals can dramatically improve their physical and mental wellbeing, function and overall quality of life.
If anyone is interesting in receiving online consultations please contact us and if you are interested in providing this service yourself as neurological physiotherapy please get in touch for some great resource ideas.