Multiple Sclerosis

Using robot’s to treat Multiple Sclerosis – TVNZ News coverage REX bionics

I have been fortunate enough on my return to New Zealand last year to establish an ongoing building relationship with REX Bionics. It has been a really exciting journey together and I have been given the opportunity to really explore how something as technologically advanced as the REX can be utilised in clinical rehabilitation. I [...]

By |2018-02-23T13:43:44+11:00May 8th, 2017|Tags: , , |

Finding the confidence to exercise again with Multiple Sclerosis

80% of people living with MS struggle with fatigue as one of their main reported symptoms, which can hugely impact on not only their ability but also their confidence to exercise. Although we understand that exercise is vital for those with MS to help maintain strength, flexibility, function and mental well-being to mention just a [...]

Neurological Physiotherapists……the specialists in neuroplasticity

So what is neurological physiotherapy......many people do not know that there are many different specialisations of physiotherapy. The most common being musculoskeletal/sports physiotherapy, who you will commonly see for that sore back, knee and general injuries. However there is many different specialisations including neurological physiotherapy, respiratory, pediatrics, orthopedic, women's health and hand therapy are some of [...]

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